Friday, May 1, 2015

Summit Salad Dressing (Sesame & Poppyseed)

My windows are open. The first hints of spring are wafting through, a sunny breeze bearing the beginnings of new life. Jack and I open the back door, previously sealed from the winter cold, and bang through the screen door to the backyard. The lilacs are heavy with large, purple blossoms and big, old bumblebees are bobbing from bunch to bunch, burying themselves in the colorful bower. The grass is springing up in tall, brilliant patches, threatening to take over the yard by pure exuberance. We bury our toes in it. It's soft and alive and tickles our bare feet. 

We find half a bird egg, of palest blue and spattered with brown speckles. Jack is in awe of it, holding it in his hands and threatening to crush it with his two-year-old wonder. We put the egg on the sill, anxious to show Daddy later. 

The sun is so warm on our heads, spilling luxuriously over our matching brown hair. Jack runs from end to end of the yard, for the pure joy of it. He crouches over the dirt, spying a troop of ants, busily marching from here to there, and back yet again. Jack interrupts their monotony with his dump truck, the plastic treads diverting their insect march. 

Spring has come again.


My mom used to host about thirty women in her home every fall. It was a time for spiritual encouragement and refreshment. My sister and I would help with cleaning and serving the food and then we'd sleep in the unfinished basement so ladies could have our rooms. The retreat was called the SUMMIT, apropos since my parents live on top of a very large hill.  My mom, and the friends helping her, worked hard to plan elegant meals and tasty snacks. This salad dressing is from one of those retreats.  

Summit Salad Dressing
Makes about 1 cup
Total Time: 10 minutes

1 1/2 tsp. minced onion
1/2 cup sugar
2 T. sesame seeds
2 T. poppy seeds
1/4 tsp. paprika
1/4 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

Mince onion.

And combine all ingredients... a blender.

Blend on high for 20 - 30 seconds until emulsified.

Dress your greens when ready to serve. 

Store in the refrigerator for up to one week.

Recipe from my mom.

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