Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Birthday Pie (Strawberry)

Birthdays are always very nostalgic for me. I think of all of the things my family did to make my birthday special. Swedish pancakes for breakfast cards from dad with tally marks representing each year of my life, bringing out the "special plate" for the occasion, that surprise, kept-for-later present mom would pull out after all the other presents had been opened, and of course strawberry pie.

Most people have cake for their birthdays...and cakes are great, but when your birthday is smack-dab, right-in-the-middle of strawberry season, it's hard to pass up the opportunity to whip up a pie. Yesterday being my 25th birthday, I decided it was high time I tried to make a strawberry pie.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Early Morning Bread

It's the perfect morning to bake bread.

The high heat and humidity of the past few listless days is over and there is a fresh breeze coming through the open windows.

My yellow and white striped curtains are dancing with happy pleasure.

The robins are calling cheerily to each other amidst the canopy of verdant sycamores.

And my bread is steadily rising, basking in the early morning light.