Friday, April 25, 2014

How To: Scrambled Eggs

There's not much better than breakfast together on a warm and sunny Saturday, when the schedule is open and nothing presses for your attention but your cup of coffee.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Quicky Sticky Buns

"What's for dinner?" the question that brings a sinking feeling and blank stares from every mother. My mom particularly disliked hearing this question on the way home from church. Sundays, though wonderful and worth it, can be tiring. After a busy morning and putting on a big lunch, the last thing she wanted to do was come up with a creative, inspired dish for dinner.

Friday, April 11, 2014


There's something about a good chili that just begs to be paired with cornbread. The meat and bean dish needs the simple heartiness cornbread offers and chili's take-your-breath-away heat is somehow tempered by the bread's neutral corn flavor.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Beef Chili

I really don't like beans. 

Not pinto. Or Kidney. Or Lima. Or any of them. 


My aversion to these legumes has always been problematic when it comes to chili. Most people will tell you that chili just isn't the same without the beans.